Rabu, 06 Mei 2020

When To Go

When To Go 
TOP 15 of the best places to dive in Indonesia

    Indonesia has only 2 seasons, wet and dry seasons, with warm tropical temperatures averaging 28oc during the day. In most region, the dry season spans from may to September and the rains falling between October and April. Also Indonesia has more than 17..000 island spreading across the country. 

Dry Season

Timber | Industries | WWF
    The best season to visit Indonesia is in  the dry season when the sun is not very strong, at this time, the weather is warm and you can enjoy so many beautiful places without worrying the rain, you also can enjoy the beaches and especially the mountain when it comes to this season. The most popular one is the Kuta beach and puncak vacation spot, there's many tourist and locals coming to those places when it comes to holiday.


Bali - What you need to know before you go

    With its emerald-green rice terraces and artistic culture, Bali has long been the poster child of the Indonesian islands. The popular Kuta-Legian-Seminyak conurbation has an 8km sweep of golden sand lined with accommodation, shops and bars, while neighbouring Canggu is less developed with wilder beaches. For action, the Bukit peninsula is a surfing hot spot, and the tranquil island of Nusa Lembongan and beach resorts of Amed and Padang Bai have excellent snorkelling and diving. Ubud is the undisputed cultural capital of Bali for its traditional dance and music performances and cluster of yoga studios and art galleries.  


Culture and Tradition in Indonesia | Villanovo

    Indonesia had so many cultures and ethnic group, that’s one of many thing’s that make Indonesia unique, for example, Indonesia has dayak, maluku, sunda, jawa, bata ethnic group, each group has its own culture and language Also all of this ethnic group spreading across the island in Indonesia, for example the jawa ethnic lives at java island, the Dayak ethnic lives in Sumatra / borneo , so you can try to learn the culture from one of this culture or just visit one of them. 


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